In Conversation with: Diana Washe

Diana Washe is a Johannesburg based Accessories Designer, Crafter, Digital Marketer, Blogger and Mommy to two handsome boys.

What do you treasure the most in life?

I treasure happiness. In everything I do I need to be happy, I put happiness first. If I am not happy with a job I quit, if it’s a relationship I live.  I believe in the saying “Happy girls are the prettiest”, happiness looks good on everyone try it you will thank me later.

What is the most important lesson life has taught you so far?

After losing my husband and sister, I have learnt life is short, very short. Live it to the fullest, when you do something do wholeheartedly. That is why I have made happiness a priority in my life.

Where did your love for fashion come from?

From a young age I have always wanted to look good. I was once a magazine addict before there was reality TV, so I guess seeing good looking people frequently I aspired to be like them.

How would you describe your style?

Very cliché 😊 simple but smart. I wear very affordable clothes, I am budget babe, a beauty on a budget type of chic. My Instagram bio even reads broke shopaholic, after having spent a lot of money over the years buying clothes I then decided to become a fashion on budget babe.

What inspired you to start Shaina?

Shaina started as an assignment kind of. I suffered depression 3 years ago and during one of my sessions I was advised to go look for a new hobby that I could do and bring the feedback or whatever I would I have to the next session. I have always loved African prints and I had a few pieces of fabric in my house. I am a very big YouTube addict and I remembered coming across a shoe coating. I coated a pair of my old shoes posted it on my Facebook page I really got very good feedback. Because of the interest I go from a lot of my friends I decided to monetise my hobby. My hobby a passion which became a business. I am also very big on crafting, I love crafting I guess it also inspired monetising my crafts. I have YouTube Channel coming soon, when I will be teaching my crafts.

How did you get into blogging?

I am a person who loves documenting things or inking down my thoughts. All my life I have always had a diary even until today I have a diary (though this day it’s no longer personal, it’s just plans and notes). It took me 5 years to eventually write my first post, because it was a school assignment that required us to create a blog and post something. After creating the blog, I then thought oh well I am here I might as well continue. Since I am in the digital marketing field my blog serves as my portfolio and my testing station if I need to test my DM skills like SEO, Analytics, Social Media, Affiliate Marketing etc.

What do you hope people will take away from reading your blog?

My blog is based on a real-life story, it is a parenting and lifestyle blog. On the real-life side, I share my journey through single parenting, being a young widow, dealing with grief, raising boys its more on the inspirational side. Then on the lifestyle side of the blog it is about events and food and fashion. I just want my readers to leave my page happy and look forward to the next post.

How would your family and friends describe you?

I am talkative, I am lazy, I am very shy in real life especially when meeting new people. I am a happy person, carefree, Wine and chicken addict.

Describe a typical day in your life.

School run in the morning, I start work at 8:30 – 5, 5:30 I go running, 6:15 – 7:30 watching TV and playing with my boys, 8 pm I am in bed if I am not working on Shaina, I will be doing something online, either I am on YouTube or taking an online class. I am on a break I graduated recently, so during my semester the schedules changes a bit I study before and after work. On a weekend I am always on the run either I have to drive my kids to a birthday party or I am running around looking for materials for my business.

How do you balance motherhood, a career and being a businesswoman?

I call that Parenting in Heels. All I can say it is a balancing act. It is crazy especially if you are a single parent and you must be there for your kids, you have a career and you have to study and you have a business to run. No matter what my kids come first, if my son has a school event everything must stop same thing if he has a party. With my studies, I study when my kids are sleeping or Sat early morning at the library. Businesswise I have managed to get a tailor I work with who can help when I am really pressed for time.

If you could give up anything for a year what would it be and why?

If I could I would TRY and give up TV. I am very addicted to TV, I don’t watch series, I watch Ratchet TV, reality TV and I can spend the whole day on the couch. It’s not good for my body I need to be a bit active.

What would you say to someone considering blogging or being an entrepreneur?

Hard Work, consistency and commitment. You need to put in a lot of work into something you love, remain consistency, produce more content or pieces to keep people engaged and stay committed and always remember why you started.

When are you happiest?

When my boys are happy! As long as my kids are in sound health and they are happy I am happy.

How would you like to be remembered?

I want to be remembered as MVB (mai ve boys) happy soul, who loved wine and chicken to the bone. I want people to drink lots of wine and eat lots of grilled chicken and play very loud Jamaican dancehall when they want to remember me.

Social media & blog links

IG: @mylife.andkids @shainaonline

Twitter @dianawashe

YouTube: Diana Washe / dianawashe

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