Eden Lang is a singer and songwriter, but I like to think of myself as a polymath, which means I am good in many artistic fields such as writing, performing, animation and art. As a person, I am a flawed human with many regrets, mistakes and imperfections like every one of us, but I think that’s what makes me strong.
How did you get into music?
I started writing music when I was about 8 or 9 and then I started recording myself on my father’s computer and creating animations along with my songs. It was sort of a private hobby of mine but when I was 20 years old, I decided to post my songs on YouTube and the rest is history.
Who are your music influences?
I am greatly influenced by songwriters like Tracey Chapman, Norah Jones and Tori Kelly. I appreciate how they write about meaningful, deep things and how they make music for people who really listen, you know?
What do you hope people will get from listening to your music?
I hope my music helps people to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I hope it inspires people to keep following their dreams and to be their authentic selves.
How would you describe your style of music?
My music is Pop with an alternative RnB vibe. The lyrics are straight out of my diary. I like to think of my songs as pages from my heart spread across the world!
Where do you get the inspiration for your songs?
A lot of my inspiration comes from God and dreams that wake me up with lyrics. Things that He says to me when I pray also feature. A lot of my lyrics come from things I wish I could say to people and from personal experiences.
What inspired your latest song, I’ll be there?
I’ll be there was inspired by my struggle with Anxiety and Depression and how I overcame it by growing in my Christian faith. A lot of the words and imagery in the song are Biblically inspired but honestly, it came from my own experience in one of the darkest periods of my life.
What has been your favourite cover song so far and how do you choose them?
My favourite cover song so far would be “Daydream” by Tori Kelly just because of how the words speak to me so deeply. I tend to choose songs that I relate to. Music is a huge part of my life. I listen to many different artists when I’m cleaning, working or driving and when I find a song that speaks to me, I just have to cover it!

What has been the highlight of life as a singer?
I think the biggest highlight is getting messages from people of how my songs impacted their lives. That is really all I could ask for.
Who have you worked with so far and who would you like to work with in the future?
So far, I have worked with Charlie Kay, Courtney Antipas, Nick Kuraz to name a few. In the future I hope to work with artists like Gemma Griffiths and Tamy Moyo.
Where would be your dream place to perform live?
I know this might be a really big dream, but I hope to one day perform at Wembley Stadium, just me, my guitar and my lyrics.
What can we expect from you for the rest of the year?
For the rest of the year you can expect more singles, music videos and exciting collaborations! I wish I could say more but you will just have to follow me to find out.
What’s the soundtrack to your life?
The soundtrack to my life would be “Dare you to move” by my favourite band Switchfoot.
How would you like to be remembered?
I want to be remembered as a person who held the door open for others to find love, hope and faith.
Social media
Instagram: edenlangmusic
YouTube: Eden Lang
Facebook: Eden Music
Be heard . This generation is waiting for you …
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