In Conversation with: Nia Raye

Image of presenter Nia Raye

Nia Raye is a presenter, blogger and host. She’s a bubbly, hardworking, spontaneous girl who loves her music mainly Afrobeats and she doesn’t take life too seriously. 

 Where did your passion for music come?

Growing up music was my go-to, when I was sad, I listened to music, when I was happy, I listened to music, when I was angry, I listened to music. I’m sure you get the routine here, but I just felt at ease when I played music out loud.

How did you get into blogging? 

I wanted to blog for years, in 2016 I started to write my thoughts down in the notes app on my phone. Like how I felt when I was going through something it was like a release. I thought I should write about things I enjoy so in 2018 I started a blog, I blog about music, beauty and fashion I really enjoy it.

What inspired you to start your radio show?

My love for music grew as I was getting older and I’ve always been into media studied it and all, I couldn’t see my life not being in the media industry. In 2015 I worked in a hotel and I would always listen to BBC 1Xtra during my shift and I thought to myself I would love to do that for a living. In 2018 I tired it out and I’ve been in love with radio ever since. What inspired me to start my radio show, ‘Afrobeats with Nia Raye’ was, I have a goal I want to reach, and my show is a step in the right direction. I love Afrobeats so thought why not surround myself around music I love.

Why did you choose Afrobeats?

It’s my favourite genre, point, blank, period. I love the way its developed over the years, I love the various instruments that are used to make a track, it’s the sound of Africa and I love Africa and Afrobeats is a happy sound and I enjoy being happy.

How has been your journey as a blogger/presenter?

It has been amazing I’ve truly been blessed because believe it or not it’s only been since last year November when I started to take things seriously as presenter, but I now know my purpose so I’m grateful. Blogging has been great it’s been a year now and i love writing about things I’m interested in. It’s a lot of hard work and test of patience but I’m enjoying this journey.

Who has been your favourite person to interview?

Hmmm. I’ve enjoyed each interview, but I would have to say my most recent one with a gospel artist called “Calledout music” he is such a humble and kind human being even before the interview started, we were talking, catching up it was nice, and he was really saying some encouraging words. The interview went well we laughed, we talked about his journey and his achievements, I’ve been listening to his music for years, so it was nice to meet him. Listen to his latest single ‘AwesomeWonder”.

What has been your favourite moment of 2019 so far?

I have so many, 2019 has been the best year of my life so far if I had to pick it would be doing press at a festival called Strawberries and Creams for WallofComedy in June. It was such a great experience I got such great feedback and it was just fun I really wanted to do festivals this year. I had been doubting myself and thought I would just leave it for next year 2020 but God blessed me so I’m grateful.

Image of Nia Raye

Who inspires you in life and in your career? 

I would say Oprah is a big big inspiration her whole life story and journey gives me goose bumps, to see a black woman so successful makes me so happy. From hearing her story, I learnt you can achieve anything if you work super hard and never give up. It won’t be easy you will get rejected several times but keep going and that’s what she did now look.

Talk us through a typical day in your life. 

It’s different everyday depending on what I must do but, I wake up to pray, stay in bed for ages (bad habit), go check my emails, socials etc. Get up get ready and either go to a shoot, maybe a gig, or just do something if I have a quiet day. I really hate being bored I stay productive I’m such a workaholic. 

Who are your favourite artists and why them? 

Wizkid- I love how he went from nothing to something and him not having all the money at the time didn’t stop him, but he kept pushing through and used what he had to put out his music out there, so I rate his hustle very highly. 

Rihanna- I really like her not just for her music but her determination and strength she’s actually a whole boss, with all her businesses she’s smart and she’s a woman that knows what she wants and gets it so I like that, it’s inspiring.

What is the long-term vision for the Nia Raye brand? 

Nia Raye

My long-term vision is to be global, I don’t just want to be known for presenting and blogging but so much more I want to leave a legacy behind, and I will do. I can’t say too much but I will let my work do the talking.

What are you most proud of about being Congolese?

I am Congolese and proud I love my country there so many things I could say but what I love most about my culture is the music and dance. I love how it brings us together and when a Congolese song comes on and everyone just knows it, we have a certain sound and it’s amazing.

What advice would you offer to anyone pursuing their passion?

Never let anyone tell you that you can’t achieve what you want no family members, no friends, no teachers, no one! Don’t listen to the negativity follow your heart and always put God in the centre and you will truly blossom.

There are going to be days when you can’t be bothered or things are getting hard, listen to me never give up I know people always say it but seriously don’t, you are destined for greatness. 

How would you like to be remembered?

I just want people to hear my name and see my work and feel at peace and have a smile on their face, or even have a giggle because what’s life if you can’t have peace or even smile.

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