In Conversation with: Nyasha Vingirai

Nyasha Vingirai

Nyasha Vingirai is an ambitious and driven young woman who stops at absolutely nothing to get what she wants. I am a multi-cultural content creator and a legal intern by profession.

What inspired you to start your YouTube channel

I’ve always loved filming and editing videos. In High school I used to make tons of random videos and edit them using Microsoft movie maker and I quickly learned how much I enjoyed that. I found it therapeutic and loved how it got my creative juices flowing. So, the moment I found out people were making careers out of that on YouTube, I jumped on the band wagon!

Who are your favourite content creators and why them? 

Internationally, Mihlali N is definitely one of them. She is extremely confident and driven, which are qualities I try to have myself.

Locally, I have too many faves, but a few of them include Vee Motsi for her unmatched consistency, Tinotenda Gwande for the excellent quality of her content and Chenai Lynn TV for her creativity and dedication.

What is your process when choosing what your videos will be about?

I try to mostly make videos that have some sort of relation to Zimbabwe. I don’t think there is enough of Zimbabwe in the content creating space, so I try to put a lot of that content out there.

What do you want people to get from watching your content?

I get a lot of comments and DMs from people outside Zimbabwe telling me how grateful they are for my content because it ‘cures’ their homesickness. This is exactly what I was hoping to achieve when I started my channel. I want to bring a lit bit of Zimbabwe to Zimbabweans all around the world who can’t be home, as well as to showcase Zimbabwe to foreigners who are interested in visiting our beautiful country.

What advice would you offer to someone thinking of starting a YouTube channel?

As cliché as this may sound, my top piece of advice is to GO FOR IT. There’s a reason you feel inclined to start a channel. There’s a reason you’ve been thinking about it for so long. You have absolutely nothing to lose.

Who are the rocks in your life?

Both my parents. I am so blessed to have them both; they are phenomenal and have set an excellent example for me and my siblings.

What were your highlights of 2020?

Graduating with a Law degree from a very prestigious University.

Getting a job at a good law firm.

An opportunity to regroup and really figure out where I was headed in life, thanks to the global pandemic that forced me to rethink a lot of things.

Finally, I met some great people and formed some close friendships, which I’m very grateful for.

Nyasha Vingirai youtuber

What are your goals for the year?

I have too many goals to list here but in a nutshell, I intend on achieving everything I’ve always wanted to achieve but never managed to.

What is the one thing you can’t live without?

God. Without Him I would be absolutely nothing in this life.

What are the top songs in your playlist right now and why?

  • Nathaniel Bassey- Wonderful Wonder (So amazing): I recently heard this song and instantly fell in love with how sweet it is. It’s a beautiful worship song that makes me feel so grateful for life.
  • Funbi- Hallelujah: Another recent discovery that I absolutely love. It’s the beat, the lyrics and the overall vibe for me.
  • Holy Ten- Bho zvangu: This song is just so cool and trendy at the moment. Love it!
  • Mas Musiq- Bambelela: Everytime I listen to it I feel relaxed and stress-free.
  • Wizkid- Blessed, True Love and Essence: These are 3 songs, but I grouped them as one because they all have the same effect on me. They make me feel blessed and I love the chilled and positive vibes they exude.

What are you most proud of about your Zimbabwean and Ghanaian heritage?

I love the fact that I can identify with both cultures so easily. When I’m around Zimbabweans I blend in seamlessly and the same goes for when I’m in Ghana or around Ghanaians. I also love the opportunities it exposes me to. It’s great to have two passports that I can switch up whenever lol.

How would you like to be remembered? 

With so much negativity in this world, I would like to be remembered as a positive experience. A testimony of God’s grace, a beacon of light and an example of true excellence.

Social media

YouTube: Queen Nyasha

Instagram: @queen__nyasha

Twitter: @QueenNyasha1

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