Sekayi Tigere is a trained molecular biologist and geneticist, a YouTube blogger, social media influencer and entrepreneur (co-founder of GISETO).
How did you get into vlogging?
I am a firm believer in utilising your talent not only for oneself, but also for the benefit of people you encounter. I don’t have many talents but I love to talk, so started vlogging as a way of teaching other people whatever I learn in my personal life. In 2020 I decided to invest a bit more in the channel after some people who follow me advised that and I’m grateful.
How do you choose what to talk about on your vlogs, what is your process?
Firstly, whatever I talk about has to benefit someone out there positively that’s number one. I also do video posts that people ask for, even if one person asks me to do something. I’ll find a way to do it because it’s individuals that I do this for. I get inspiration from other YouTubers as well and if I think the post will send out a positive message or will be an opportunity for people to know me better, I’ll do it.
What do you hope people will take away from watching your vlog?
I hope people will learn to be positive about their life. To not give up on whatever their dream and vision is. I hope to inspire people through what I do in my personal life and channel other people’s stories through my channel.
What’s your advice for someone new to vlogging?
If you want to vlog, just start you’ll will figure it all out along the way. There’s so much more to learn from inside than outside. Another thing is to listen and pay attention to people (your followers and the people you follow as well).
Tell us about Giseto and how did it come to be?
Giseto started when my brother and I attended a conference (creating the future conference by Chibamba Kanyama) and we wanted to start any business. We started with selling snacks to kids on the block of flats where we lived and then we got new ideas and now we supply t-shirts, sweatshirts, do printing, marketing and other services. Again, when you have an idea its important to just start.
What are your future goals for your brands?
For the Giseto brand – we’d like to start a clothing line and begin to showcase at fashion shows. We’d also like to see the individual arms of the company grow to be able to stand as individual companies.
For my personal brand – I look forward to increasing my following on social media especial YouTube and use that to convey a positive message to young people.
What is the most important lesson life has taught you so far?
When you do something, do it because you have decided to do it and you know your why. Be happy that way you won’t regret anything because you are the one who decided to do it.

When you aren’t vlogging how do you spend your time?
I’m trying to grow as a scientist. Currently working on clinical trials for developing improved vaccines.
What is the soundtrack to your life?
Oh wow, just one…..off the top of my head, Monga Sindine by Alpha Romeo ft P’Jay (mhsrip).
What is your theme for 2020?
Build Up (I’m not starting anything new this year but working on whatever I have already started i.e. my personal brand, my job, my YouTube channel and other responsibilities I have).
Where is your dream destination and why?
Italy: For the food and views.

What are you most fond of, about being Zambian?
My favorite thing has to be the diversity in our cultures which are able to co-exist and intertwine. I also think Zambians are the happiest and most hilarious people I know. Every Zambian has a comedian gene in them (if comedy was a gene). We can turn absolutely anything into a joke. We are also very friendly; we really don’t like to offend people.
When are you happiest?
When I eat good food and have great conversations.
What is the best advice you have ever been given?
From my mother, “Wherever you go, it’s not possible for everyone to like you, its also not possible for everyone to hate you”.
How would you like to be remembered?
“…. but she enjoyed life”.
Social media
YouTube: Sekayi Tigere
Instagram: sekayi_felida_tigere
Twitter: @SekayiTigere
Facebook Page: Sekayi Felida Tigere