In Conversation with: Faro Musodza

Meet the stunning Australian based Zimbabwean model, Faro Musodza.

What led you to be a model?

I mostly kept to myself as a child. Very timid. Overhead mum and her friends suggesting I go to a modelling and deportment school with Amina Patel (Medusa promotions) to boost my confidence. It was awesome! I felt like I had a purpose and could keep my head up.

What is your favourite runway to date?

I have a couple; First one was at the NAMA awards in Zimbabwe. We did a presentation for ZUVA by Joyce Chimanye. It was so cool meeting someone who had showcased in New York and rubbing shoulders with celebrities I had seen on TV. Also, working on Studio 263 soap opera. I really felt like I was on the rise until I found out I was leaving to come to Australia. I had mixed feelings about that. It hard I was very young and had just left high school. I wanted to go and model in South Africa.

.Name three designers you would love to work with.

This changes all the time but now I am loving Azzedine Alaia, Balmain and Christian Siriano.

Of the designers you have worked with who has been your favourite and why?

Two designers come to mind- Marques Almeida, they flew in from the UK and did a very intimate presentation. It was amazing and we did mini interviews with them. It felt like talking to people I am familiar with. Human connection can be lost when people act above you. I love how down to earth they were.

The other designer is SZN-Suzan Dlhouy. She is a very soulful and you can feel that energy in the clothes she makes. In her words, “I like to work with people who look like they have lived a little.” In an age where we are obsessed with youthfulness, it’s refreshing to have some women who prefer agelessness.

If you were not a model what would you be?

Teacher, thanks to my mum who did a bit of temporary teaching. I loved how the students admired her so much. And my first-grade teacher Mrs. Bhosha. She was so beautiful and super nice.

What would you say has been your proudest achievement in life?

My son. I had Mudiwa when I was 21. Still working out who I was but I have done amazing with him. I am amazed at my own selflessness and commitment to look after another human being. He has autism as well and I had never met anyone such that I would be familiar with it. One day at a time.

 As someone well positioned in the modelling industry what characteristics would you say you need in order to be successful?

Extreme patience and the drive to wake up each day after lots of knock backs and rejection.

What are some of the negatives that you have experienced in your career and how do you cope with them?

The big one is racism coupled with colourism. I have missed out on bookings because I wasn’t dark enough or they only had space for one black model. In Australia, you can’t be a black model and have curves. I was specifically told that you must be dark and skinny. As it is, I am the exception because I won’t take no for an answer.

Where is the one place you would love to catwalk?

Never really put much thought into that. I used to like the idea of the big Fashion weeks. Its worn off now, am keen on going on the red carpet like Cannes, premiers or award shows.

What has been your career high so far?

I would say holding my own as a freelance model. I have scored some shows and interviews that amaze me all the time. Sometimes it feels like it’s all in vain. It’s great to be recognised.

If you could pick one place to live in the world, where would it be and why?

I love the Inyangani mountains. Spent 6 years there in high school and I have always imagined building a small retreat there. Quiet, serene in the middle of nowhere. Only accessible by helicopter. Weekend parties with friends and visitors. I met someone who has been telling me about the magnificence of Madagascar. Can’t tell you why but I am intrigued.

What is the one thing you can’t live without?

A pen. If there is anything that runs my account dry, its stationery. I am working my way towards buying a quill and ink. I love hand writing. I drafted my answers for this interview. Avoids waffling.

 Who do you look up to in your career and in life?

I like Iman and Elle Macpherson. Model turned business moguls. And Oprah, she is the epitome of walking in your purpose and elevating everyone else around you. It’s a talent and I would love to do that. And Serena Williams determination.

What is your fondest memory of growing up in Zimbabwe?

My first school trip to Great Zimbabwe. Going to sweets from Heaven in Avondale. Visiting my grandmothers kumusha. Loved it! Going kumunda was like an adventure. It was fun.

Who are the rocks in your life?

I have moved around a lot, so I have had to make myself my biggest support person and accept the people who come into my life momentarily as a welcome luxury. Growth has made it difficult to rely on one person for support. I would call it dynamic rocks of support.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years, career wise and in life?

Am not eager to share details, but am hoping to go to the UK and the US for work and educational opportunities for me and my son.

What is a typical day in the life of Faro like?

Three people show up; Faro (my mother’s daughter, model,) Mai Mudiwa (Mudiwa’s mother, nurturing, school runs) Mudiwa’s carer (Autism advocacy).

In your life so far what is the biggest lesson you have learnt?

You are on earth to refine your talents and help others realise their own through inspiration. What you leave, your legacy, people will continue to learn from that.

 What advice would you give to aspiring young models?

Trust yourself. If something doesn’t feel right for you, don’t do it. When you start compromising yourself to please people, it’s very hard to reverse that.

How can people get in touch with you?

Instagram: @faromusodza

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