Ola lovelies! I’m Chantelle Jeradi, but you can call me Channy! I’m a 22-year-old student who is tenacious, blunt and grabs life by the horns I intimidate some, but I inspire some!
What made want to start blogging?
I love expressing myself, I love word play and as the daughter of a fashion designer, fabrics, styling, clothing came naturally to me. I truly felt like a blog would be a space where I could combine the two and feed my soul and bare some of it to my audience.
Why did you choose to blog about fashion?
Fabric really raised me. My mother is a fashion guru and her hustle raised my brother and me. She loved what she does so much that your creative flow would just come alive if you saw her talk about designing. So, that really influenced me, envying how alive she was about something she was so passionate about and wanting a little bit of that for myself so I ended up loving fashion and I started to blog about it.
What do you hope people will take away from reading your blog?
That I’m human. As bloggers, we all seem to have it together and so well put. But that’s not really the case. It can take up to 150 pictures (I kid you not!) just to get the perfect five and with that comes editing and all that. So, when people see the image they think it’s picture perfect but with my blog people get to see that I’m also very clumsy, I have insecurities and I write about issues that are to do with self-acceptance! I want people to feel a little inspired, a little uplifted after visiting my blog.
What/who do you treasure the most in life?
I might lose my street cred for this but I treasure Fatima Jeradi the most. My mother.
Describe your blogging routine.
With school and now having recently launched my brand Riso Jeradi, I haven’t really had time to blog but I have been following some bloggers I admire and they have moved to insta-blogging and that’s what I’m playing with currently. I’m still trying to find my flow and I’m experimenting a lot and soon my followers will be able to catch the drift.
What would you say to someone new to blogging or considering blogging?
I would say blog about what you love! When you love what, you do you enjoy it more and it feeds your creative juices. I’d also say to do it for themselves more than for others as sometimes it can get tedious or slow but when you do it for you, you will forever be inspired!
Do you have bloggers that you follow, if so who and why?
I don’t follow a lot of bloggers but I do follow a lot of women that inspire me and I love their personal style like Graca_de_deus, Loretta Hove, Leerato Thusi and so many more.
Would you say there are downsides to blogging, if so what are they?
Hmm, everything always has pros and cons. One of the downsides of blogging is that you can be misconstrued or people want you to say things in a certain way and it can get messy and women empowering and supporting each other in the blogging world especially in Zimbabwe isn’t really inspiring but maybe I’m at fault and I should dip my toes in the pond, but other than that I love it!!
From your experience, what have been the best memories of being a blogger?
I love taking pictures so that’s always a joy and it makes one of the best moments, also getting feedback from girls who can relate to some of the things I write about and having other women get inspired by ensembles that they try to put together similar outfits always gives me a kick! But truly writing about things I care about, it’s always a lovely experience.
What does blogging mean to you?
Blogging to me means freedom. Self-expression with the way I dress and my thoughts written down. It’s like some form of therapy as I get to release some things into the world and I get to fill up again.
Social media
Instagram: @Riso_Jeradi
Blog: https://channigodly.wordpress.com