In Conversation with: Sisa Muguwu

Meet Medicine and Surgery student and hobbyist photographer, Sisa Muguwu.

Where did your passion for photography come from?

I’ve always loved the memories and emotions captured in photographs. Or how the beauty of what one may tend to overlook is revealed in a photograph.Β  I’m amazed by various sights and love the idea of having a reminder of the moment and sharing my views with others. It has become my escape.

What would you say sets you apart from other photographers out there?

I’m a hobbyist photographer. Photography is my hidden language for anyone to translate as they wish. If it brightens up your day the way it does mine, if you see what you normally don’t pay attention to and if it makes you acknowledge God’s work then my job is done.

Who inspires your work?

Who? I don’t think there’s a person, lol. But what does inspire me is everything is not what it seems. For every photograph I’ve taken I can relate to an emotion, thought or lesson. The idea that somebody can look at my photos and feel something inspires me.

Of all the photographs, you have ever taken which one is your favourite?

The photograph of my parents at my sister and her husband’s engagement ceremony. It’s not the best shot (hides face) but I plan to get better shots of them.

They melt my heart. This photo makes me feel extremely privileged to be able to capture moments for my family and friends, they trust me, that’s amazing! They have a photographer for free, lol.

What is the most important thing you consider when taking a photograph?

Is there a story of some sort in the frame.

It’s normally an, “Oh my, that looks fab!” But there’s normally more to it. There’s a story, emotion or thought.

Who are your favourite photographers and why them?

That’s a tough question, there are plenty and many more to discover. Here are a few though. Molly Choma Montie, Maria Thundu (Mars), Zein Tembo, Vinjeru Nyirenda, Penjani Nyirenda and Njabulo Dzonzi. Their images make me think of the moments captured! They make my Instagram feed so exciting. It’s weird how they’re mostly into portraits and I’m not. Lol

Β What is the one thing you can’t live without?

Another tricky question. Well, love covers all the things I can’t live without.

Given the chance who in the world would you want to photograph?

No one in particular really, because I think anyone would be interesting to photograph when they’re unaware. I already do it to one person and the shots are just WHOA! πŸ˜„ People in their natural state fascinate me.

Where in the world would be your dream place to go, and take photos?

You keep asking me to pick one thing πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚, this isn’t easy πŸ˜‚.

I don’t have a dream destination because there are too millions of places on this planet. Talk about SADC alone and I’ll be mind blown! Wherever I am is just fine, there’s definitely some beauty all the time.

What are you most fond of about being Zimbabwean?

Yeaaay you didn’t ask me for one thing! Well…

We love to joke and laugh ALL THE TIME! No matter what’s going on, even if the joke is about yourself.

Zimbabwean musicians can turn sorrows into hit songs!

Most Zimbabweans work hard, set standards, support each other (my family amazes me) and live their lives (lots of meat and fun!)

My mum planted yellow roses at home. She calls them Sisasenkosi because yellow is one of my favourite colours. She’s too sweet.

We’re all over the world! I live in Malawi, trust me when I say, kune chikwata kuno! πŸ˜‚ Zimbabwe is beautiful.

One more thing, Shona Methodist hymns… I have no words just tons of love. They keep me company and remind me of Gogo.

How can people get in touch with you and how do they access your work?

Facebook page- By Sisa

Instagram – @sisasmiles

Twitter- @sisasmiles



If you Google #BySisa.

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