In Conversation with: Juliet Muteto

Juliet Muteto is a happy go lucky person who loves anything artistic and beauty related. I have an MS and MBA in International Business from Stratford University. I also have an additional diploma in IT from NIIT. I’m a free spirit who loves to travel, loves art galleries and hanging out at the beach. 

What is a beautypreneur?

 A ‘Beautypreneur’ is someone who’s found a seamless way to fuse beauty and entrepreneurship. I got into this business because of the passion I have for all things beauty related. I’ve been practicing and freelancing for 6 years. That kinda sums up what I do for a living. 

How much training did you receive to be able to be qualified as a beautician?

I got my Aesthetician and MUA certification at Shanaz Husain International Beauty Academy in New Delhi. I also did 2 basic training courses at MAC Cosmetics in Dubai. 

In your opinion how important has the training been in terms of helping you run your business?

The training has helped me customise looks or differentiate what works for every client I’ve had. Every face has different dimensions and what works for Beyoncé or Kim Kardarshian won’t work for the next woman. Sometimes clients come in with unrealistic expectations and it’s my duty advise what products, treatments and makeup regimes would best suit them. 

Where does the inspiration for the makeup tutorials come from?

I’m inspired by anything hey lol it could be food, the weather, a song, a feeling, a movie etc. when I look at something, I always try to find something artistic about it. 

When did you start visage cosmetics & beauty studio and how did the idea come about?

Visage cosmetics & Beauty studio was born in November ’16. I’ve always known what I want to do but because of my Business studies, I didn’t have the time or resources to pursue my passion. 

What are the main things you consider before applying someone’s make up?

Generally, it’s two things. The shape of the persons eyebrows, because eyebrows frame the face and their skin type. I need to know what type of skin they have so I can use matte or dewy products on them.

When it comes to hair styling, where do you get the ideas for each style?

With this one I just wing it most of the time. Unless I’m told to make something specific like a chignon or updo, I can be as creative as I want with it. 

What is the average time you take to do a person’s hair?

It really depends on how simple or difficult the hairstyle is, but I’d say 40mins maximum for styling. 

As a qualified aesthetician, how often do you treat people’s skin?

I have treated a few clients skin conditions, but for the most part my clients have flawless skin.

How convenient has it been for your customers knowing they have several services under one roof?

Most of the people I work with appreciate the fact that they can do their makeup, hair and purchase clothes under the same roof. As a woman myself I think that’s brilliant. 

Looking at your business model as it stands do you have any plans to expand and to what?

Definitely! Expansion is inevitable because the beauty industry is so diversified, and I love it…there so much one can do! I don’t want to go into too much detail as far as my plans are concerned, but watch this space.

When you are not working what do you do to relax?

When I’m not working, you will find my head buried in a book lol

If you were to give up something for a year what would it be and why?

Wow a whole year! lol I would probably give up carbs. They are unhealthy anyway, so I wouldn’t miss them that much.

What is the soundtrack to your life?

Waves by Mr Probz. For sure!

 How would your friends and family describe your personality?

They would probably say I’m a generous bully lol. 

Who inspires you the most in life?

Wow, I draw some inspiration from just about everyone I’m close to but the most influential person in my life would be my mother. She is the epitome of grace and perseverance. 

What are you most proud of about being Zambian?

There are so many facets about being a Zambian and a Zambian woman at that, but the one I’m the proudest of is our fighting spirit. We go through many different challenges on a day to day basis, but we always find a way to adapt and overcome. It’s in our DNA! 

How would you like to be remembered?

I’d love to be remembered for my deeds. That way I’ll be etched in someone’s heart for a long time. I’d also love to leave my mark in the Zambian beauty Industry….There are so many iconic ways of achieving that and I’m well on my way! 

What advice do you have for aspiring entrepreneurs, especially in the beauty industry?

The time will come when the world will need you to perform your exact set of skills. keep practicing. Practice really does make perfect. 

 Social media 

 @Visagezm ( Business Account)

 @Astoldbyjuliet ( Personal Account)


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