In Conversation with: Timothy Frank

I am Timothy Frank and I am a simple man and I wear my trousers the same way you do. I am not impressed by the book smart majority. Instead I am impressed by strength which comes from learning life’s hard lessons well. I used to be a coward and never believed in boundaries, honour, respect, rights and beliefs. Now I am a new man. I am not aggressive but assertive. I am not intelligent but wise nor am I rich, but I am wealthy. I believe in truth and good. God and purpose first then everything else. I celebrate birth and I celebrate death. My life changed when I developed a relationship with God not religion.

How long have you been working in recruitment?

I Graduated with a degree in Social Work and Nursing BSc. When I qualified I became a contractor and I was very successful at this. Being young and successful attracts attention from your peers so I started showing them what I knew about capitalising in the social care market and this helped me meet new people and create new opportunities for myself and others. I then continued to help anyone who needed a job and wanted to earn money in the health and social care sector. Today I now help over 80 professionals daily and my level of support starts from simple information to finding life changing opportunities abroad.

How did Integer Group come to be?

Integer means a thing complete. For a long time, I had an identity issue in business. I consider myself a great thinker and I am well connected. I wanted to do everything and start every business you can imagine. At one point I had a waterless car wash that did not make any money, but got me washing some of my favourite cars from porshe, overfinch, to Mazda mx and many classics, this business failed, I then started buying vending machines and putting these in pubs and this was ok but failed as well. I then begun selling stuff online and struggled, but did extremely well when I found health products to sell online. In addition to this I started working on high profile projects as an Independent Social Work Practitioner. I finally found my identity. Today Integer Group sells health care products online and recruits Doctors, Nurses and Social Workers in the United Kingdom. We recruit globally and supply nationally. Our identity is complete.

What made you choose to specialise in health and social sector?

I did extremely well in my GCSE’S I got 12 A-C and received an award from the mayor and came out in the local newspaper. I then went to college and failed all my A-Levels. I had to think fast and move from home because my Dad was furious, and my Mother was no-nonsense. On my way home from college with my results I saw an advert for apprentice engineers in Norfolk, 5 hours from home and they paid £300 a week with free accommodation. I quickly applied and was successful, after two weeks of tension in the family home, I was finally free.  I stayed there for two years then faced immigration issues and had to leave. I passed the course with flying colours, but I knew engineering was not for me. I returned home and did nothing, I hanged in the streets and played football with my friends for 6 months. My mother then asked me to volunteer at a learning disabilities day centre. I was amazed by the level of talent people with learning disabilities have. I returned the next day and continued attending, I was completely hooked I loved the clients I loved what I was doing, and I did it for free, this felt like purpose and it still does. Health and Social care is what I know best. I have given it my life and it has given me a living.

What is the mission of Integer Group?

Integers mission is to help stabilise the rise of mental health and social poverty through recruitment. We do this by motivating and helping individuals take on positive risk.

Example 1: Amber is a 37-year-old African lady who was diagnosed with HIV in England. She lost her job and went into depression. Integer Group advertised at the local hospital for volunteers. Amber applied, we helped stabilise her rising debt, helped her attend her doctor’s appointments and regain contact with her family. Amber started volunteering, she put in weight and became happier. Amber has now volunteered for 8 months and on the 14th of June 2018 she became a recruit and started working for a large charity earning 18k a year. Her last paid job was 6 years ago.

Example 2: Masotho is 44-year-old lady from South Africa. She works as a hospital social worker in England and her son lives in South Africa. Masotho earns £700 a week but her spending is not good. We booked Masotho on a 3-hour financial management session with one of our accountants. It turns out she is in 33k debt, we help keep her debtors away, improve spending habits and sign her up to do a best interest assessors course which allows her to take on extra work and earn £300 per assessment she completes on top of her weekly earning. Masotho now works under an Integer group agency as a social worker earning £900 a week and she has completed 22 BIA assessments. Her debt should be cleared by December this year.

What is your role within the company?

I am simply the founder and captain of Integer Group. It is a group because it has 8 companies in the group. Each company has its own structure and independence. Care agencies, recruitment companies, independent practitioners, care homes and nursing homes all sign up to Integer Group for contracts, clients and projects. Integer Group has a core team of 7 people. We own nothing and control everything.

Who else is involved in the day to day running of the company? 

I am still very hands on and I must oversee everything. Business is a marathon and I need to ensure that Integer Group becomes a 1-billion-dollar social enterprise in 20 years. We are a non-profit organisation and we deal with people’s lives so the level of attention to detail is very high. We are watched closely by the government and external stake holders. I do the ground work and the dirty work, the meetings and the gate keeping, I am ruthless with my execution process and I am not sorry for this.

I make relationships and break them quicker than I make them. The industry must know that Integer Group does not advertise, but we are on most people’s lips at the moment I am the gate keeper that currently ignites this effect. If I make 1 wrong decision we looe and people’s lives are at stake, if I make a misjudgement I have to answer to the board. I am also warranted by the state which gives me the same powers as a Judge with three licenses to uphold from the HCPC, CQC and the NMC, I work the trenches.

I have a lawyer/accountant who has been with Integer for 5 years who offers legal and tax advice, another chartered accountant who offers growth advice. A Director of one of London’s largest social services who offers strategic direction for the company and another accountant who advises on the daily financial position. An advisory board of 9 social workers and doctors who provide solid counsel on a weekly basis. Two mentors, one who sold his company for £50 million pounds 6 years ago and he is Zimbabwean. Another mentor who owns a Multimillion dollar Healthcare Company and opening another branch in Texas and she is Zimbabwean. I am also on the Board of Directors for charity named EMBRACE UK and this exposes me to a wealth of support and people who need jobs. This year will be our first Christmas party marking 5 years in business.

What support do you provide for the professionals that you recruit?

We help new recruits increase their financial status and wellbeing. We get to know our recruits and don’t just place them because its quick money. We want to know what motivates our recruits, do they have children, when was the last time they went on holiday, what debts do they have. This has worked for us because when you Join Integer you join a family not a company. We are non-profit and use our profits to help the community we are for people owned by people.

To date, how many professionals have you recruited and which countries do you recruit from?

I have helped 70 people get jobs in the past 5 years. I have consulted 150 people at start up level and organisation level, this includes companies and independent practitioners. In 2015 I single handedly completed 900 assessments. I have completed 88 specialist assessments in 2 years as an independent and authorised 22. This month (june) we have 7 new recruits (social workers and doctors) we have helped 17 different clients get care at home, the care is being provided by the care agencies signed up to Integer Group. On the 21st of June I put up an Instagram post talking about a powerful meeting I had that day. Integer received 40 new clients who need nursing care at home, we are currently distributing these clients amongst the agencies signed up to use. We project a further 300 clients needing care at home by the end of this year.

I have just received 800 new CVs for doctors and nurses to come to the UK to work from Africa. However, we believe a quarter will be successful. We have our immigration license and we want serious Doctors, Nurses and Social workers from Africa to send their CVs to we are only recruiting from Africa.

Who would you say inspires you in life?

I have many people who inspire me in life especially my Wife and Mother. However, I must say my Dad has inspired me as I now know how hard it is to be a man in this world and he has done good. He is also a great business man and the Best African Chef in the world, you don’t have to believe me, but I do say before dismissing my statement you should visit his page on Instagram @thebantuchef and then attend the restaurant in Windsor or book a private chef session with him, I promise you will never be the same. He has also had battles and challenges in life, seeing him come out victorious is certainly inspiring, he is my hero and I am fortunate he stuck around.

If you could give something up for a year what would it be and why? 

Red meat because I am strongly considering a fish and chicken-based diet. This is to help with weight management and brain functioning.

How can people get in touch with you?

We do not have a website, and this has caused problems as people are not used to this. However, as I have mentioned we deal with people’s lives and unnecessary contact is not needed. We do not have a business card or a website. If you need us, then you simply email with an inquiry or you call.

What is your greatest achievement in life so far?

It’s very personal but he who finds a wife, finds a great thing.

What have been the highs and lows of your career?

There has been loads, losing money, making money, not sticking to my word (your word is your brand) over ambitious (a patient man rides a donkey). At the start of my career I was fired as a contractor which was a low. The same reason I was fired is the same reason I am going on a £9000 holiday this year which is a high.

What is the best advice you have ever been given?

There is many and as you go through life you will pick up things.

There is no shortcut in life.

A life well lived, is a life well hidden.

A patient man rides a donkey

Proverbs 18:13 (NIV) …

What is the soundtrack to your life?

Grandmaster Melle Mel ‘beat street breakdown’

What are you most proud of about being Zimbabwean?

Freezit, there is nothing like a Freezit in the scotching Zimbabwean sun. What an amazing country.

Describe a typical day in your life.

I wake up, pray, check on my family, dress well, jump in the car, pray then play music or listen to Vusi Thembakwayo on YouTube and depending on the day I will turn on sports plus mode in my car and drive like a rally driver (only where safe of course). Get to the office, breakfast and emails then I turn into a monster, I feel invincible and some colleagues have said I need to video record myself or seek therapy lool. At the end of the day I am either squatting 300 kg in the gym or mixed martial arts, then family pray and sleep.

How would you like to be remembered?

A realist. I called a bat a bat and did not call it a flower just to make someone else happy.

Social media  

LinkedIn: Timothy Frank

Instagram: Unknowninteger89

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