Who is BizNez?
BizNez is the stage name for Brian Nyamande. A 23 year old Hip-hop/Rap artist. Proud Zimbabwean hoping to inspire the world with his music.
What is the one thing you can’t live without?
I can’t live without my earphones they mean everything to me. I mean if I happen to lose my earphones in town I would rather buy some new earphones and walk all the way home.
Where did your passion for music come from?
Music has always been part of my life since I was a kid as I was exposed to various types of artists such as Aleck Macheso, Simon Chimbetu, and Thomas Mapfumo at a very young age by my Dad. Also attending Greengrove Primary School contributed in developing my passion for music and I remember that’s where I learnt how to play Marimba. Not forgetting also the friends I met at Visitation Makumbi High School they were so much into Hip-hop and we would give each other topics and write a verse about that topic of interest.
What do you hope people will take away from listening to your music?
Through listening to my music, I want people to be inspired to do bigger things in life, learn some important life lessons and to realise that Hip-hop can also be done using your mother language and still come out perfect.
How would you describe your style of music?
Hip-hop/Rap is my style of music and I’m most interested on the story telling side of it, sharing out my views about a particular subject of interest.
What inspires your music?
My Life greatly inspires my music and the activities happening in my surrounding environment.
As an artist how important are bars for you when making a track?
Bars are everything when it comes to Hip-hop I mean my track has got to have three or four bars at least since people who listen to hip-hop need those bars somewhere in the mix. PS Bars define Hip-hop if there are no Bars maybe consider Gospel.
How has it been creating your first album?
The whole process of creating my first album has been great and long journey I remember approaching Anonzi XNDR sometime early last year. We discussed about making music together and I told him that I wanted to work on my first ever album that would fully introduce me to the world. XNDR agreed to working and helping me achieve the goal of coming up with an album. I drafted what I wanted to rap about in the album and put it on paper. After that from time to time I would visit the producer at the studio explain the type of beat I want, he produces the beat, I write then record. That’s been the routine since last year, but I’m glad I finally finished recording the whole album and now I wait to drop the album sometime this month after all the mixing and mastering is done.
Which one of your songs is your favourite?
My favourite song is not yet released its part of the album and is titled #ZororaiMurugare I did after one of my Dad’s young brother passed away. That song is my favourite since I wrote it with so much emotion and I was expressing what I felt that time musically.
What do you get up to when you are not making music?
When not in my creative zone to make new music, I am usually listening to a lot of music from different artists hoping to learn one or two things from their music.
Where in the world do you wish to perform one day?
I don’t have a specific place I would love to perform at, but all I know is that I want to tour the world and perform at different places showcasing the Zimbabwean culture through my art.
What is the most important lesson life has taught you?
Nothing good comes your way without you having to wake up, fight and grind for it.
Where has been your favourite place to perform?
The only opportunity I got in my life to perform was at my High School (Visitation Makumbi) and the response was amazing imagine the whole school shouting your name as you do your thing.
What song would you say is the soundtrack to your life?
I don’t have a song I can really say is the soundtrack to my life. I listen to a lot of music and each inspire me and give me energy in a different way.
Which artists would you like to work with and why?
I would love to work with a lot of artists locally and outside the country. Locally I would love to work with Jnr Brown, GZE, Maskiri and Asaph obviously because those guys are mad talented and are very creative. Tererai Mugwadi is also that one artist I want to work with because she is good with them vocals I can imagine her on a chorus then I come in with the Bars man that would be a Hit. Outside the country I would like to work with Stogie T from South Africa, M. anifest from Ghana those guys got Bars for days and are creative storytellers.
Who are your top 3 artists right now and why them?
Jnr Brown – Bars, Creativity and Relevance
GZE – Hardworking, Bars and Creativity
Nutty O – Young, Hardworking and Killing it
If you could give up anything for a year what would it be and why?
I would give up that broke lifestyle man that lifestyle is painful Ndodawo ka Better Life.
What is your favourite thing about being Zimbabwean?
Zimbabwe is a bit more peaceful country than most of the countries I see on the internet trending due to acts such as xenophobia and terrorist attacks.
How would you like to be remembered?
I would like to be remembered as that guy who inspired people and touched hearts with his Shona Hip-hop songs.
From what you have experienced, what advice would you give to other upcoming artists?
Invest in your art to come up with the highest quality product at the end of the day as people are always looking for quality. Also be humble and take advice from others and use it to improve yourself and your content.
Social media
Twitter – @OfficialBizNez
Instagram – @officialbiznez
Facebook – Wait a minute do people still use Facebook? If yes then follow https://www.facebook.com/briannyasha.nyamande
Soundcloud – https://soundcloud.com/brian-nyamande
Thats the motto bro . keep on the good work