In Conversation with: Daiisy Goldsmith

Daiisy Goldsmith - blogger
Daiisy Goldsmith

Daiisy Goldsmith is a UK based, Zimbabwean Fashion Blogger and Brand Strategist. 

I enjoy all things creative, I style, I blog and soon be the worlds’ number one publicist. I am passionate about a lot of things from travel, food, fashion and books.

How did you get into blogging?

 I needed an outlet where I could share my travel adventures, fashion inspirations. Also, when I was looking for a Styling or PR job people always asked for my portfolio and I didn’t have one so my blog become that platform for me.

What is your process when choosing what to blog about? 

 I usually write from the heart, or sometimes I research topics that I think my audience would find interesting and share my finding via a blog post.

What do you want your audience to get from reading your blog?

I want my audience to feel inspired to have more adventures. I want them to feel loved and I also want them to learn from my past experiences. 

Which bloggers inspire you the most? 

Melissa ward 

Yvonne Victoria 

Sofi: The Odditty 

Alexis Adjei 

Tell us about your PR and Branding work at Anna Rose and what is your role?

Anna Rose PR is an integrated PR, design and marketing consultancy that tells brand stories better. I am Brand Strategist/ Social Media manager, my role is to develop a marketing plan through careful analysis of current market data and trends. I am also responsible for managing/ creating content for both the company and our clients. Depending on our client’s needs we offer a variety of services e.g website creation, logos, social media audit and management, fashion styling. 

What is the most important thing that you consider when taking on a new client? 

Daiisy - blogger - brabd strategist
Daiisy Goldsmith

I always ask new clients these three questions: 

1 What Do and Don’t You Need?

2 What Problems Are You Facing?

3 What is your budget and when do you want to start? 

These three questions will help me to come up with the best strategies to help new clients and know how best to help them.

Who has been vital in nurturing your career? 

My Mentor and My family

What is the best advice you have ever been given?

Not everyone who criticise you is a hater.

Forgive and let go. 

Always Be Kind to people. 

What advice would you give to all the aspiring young entrepreneurs, bloggers out there?

Have a clear vision and goals. Always stay focused no matter what.   It’s ok to ask for help and whatever you do stay true to yourself, 

Which 5 songs mean the most to you and why? 

 Noel Robinson – Rain 

Travis Greene – Made a way 

Anthony Evans – Reckless Love 

Timothy Reddick – Thanks 

Todd Dulaney – Flow  

They make me feel closer to God and the only songs that I can express my gratitude and love. 

These are also the top songs that come to my mind when I feel the need to prophesy into my life, new client, friends & family and every aspect of my life.

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Daiisy Goldsmith 

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