I am Mable Amuron and still finding out a lot about myself, but I am primarily a reader who, through her passion of words became a creator. An individual who enjoys watching words become something coherent and something that can entertain, inform and inspire. I am a sister, a friend, a daughter, a cynical optimist, a Jesus freak, and I am obsessed with flavoured tea, and socks. Also, I am a writer, an editor, a poet, and most importantly, a reader.
How did you get into blogging?
I used to write for myself and only shared with only a few people around me. One of the people that I showed my personal ramblings was the late Alex Kirungi, my best friend. He encouraged me to start a blog and was one of my biggest supporters. Sadly, he passed away before he could see my blog flourish. The desire to share with the worlds that I had created with words morphed into a need and that was how Growing Pains was born.
Of the topics you blog about what is your favourite?
My favourite topic to blog about? Does fiction count? Fiction is such a freeing medium. I have channelled Death, wrote about sleazy Uber drivers, sleazy teachers. Its’ fun being in a character’s head, seeing who they are, and understanding their motives.
I do enjoy writing reviews too. I became a book reviewer because I wanted to get the word out there about books, especially African Literature.
What do you hope people will get from reading your blog?
A few minutes’ reprieve from life. In the few minutes of reading a blog post, I hope they get understood, affirmed, entertained, and informed.
Where is your favourite place to write from?
My favourite place to write from is wherever inspiration strikes. The muse is such a fickle being and can strike wherever whenever.
How do you get over writer’s block when you experience it?
I write. Writers’ Block is mental. Sometimes the best thing you can do is to write. I wrote a blog post once about not being able to write. https://mablesrants.wordpress.com/2015/10/22/day-four-musings/
Who are your favourite bloggers?
Every blogger whose words I have had the opportunity of reading is my favourite. Honourable mentions:
Uncle Beaton – Becoming the Muse
Pius Andruda – Me and My Big Mouth
Fiona Laker- Tales of a Curious Mind
Patsy Mugabi- Justified Ecstasy
Roland Byagaba- Muwado
Jade Novelist- Jaded Words
To mention but a few.

What have been the highlights of your blogging journey so far?
Being featured in the Bloggers Zim ipaper was an amazing feat. Being hired for a writing gig because someone read and appreciated the words on my blog. Having a person email and tell me my blog helped them get through something. My biggest highlight though is finding a community, writers of like-mindedness, people who are getting through this journey of life one blog post at a time. Some of these have become lifelong friends.
Who are your rocks in life?
Well, Jesus for one, I don’t know that I would be here without Christ. My rocks are my parents. My mother; for raising me into the love of reading. My Papa; for encouraging me to pursue this thing and lying to me about my writing being on par with the late Terry Pratchett. And to every single person that has encouraged me, nurtured my talent, held me up, hugged me, recommended me for jobs, you all are sturdy rocks.
What is your proudest achievement in life?
My proudest achievement yet was being a scriptwriter for an award-winning animation. I felt validated, that this crazy dream I had of being a writer could actually work.
What is the soundtrack to your life?
Right now, my soundtrack is Road Trip by Kirk Franklin.
What is the best advice that you have ever been given?
Focus on what you are good at, hone your skills, become the best in that until it comes easy for you. Then after you have done that, learn the skills that you are not so good at. This advice was given to me by my dad.
How would you like to be remembered?
As a person that affected the people that she got in contact with positively, like Maya Angelou once wrote; I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
What are you most proud of about being Ugandan?
I love that our weather has mood swings. In a single day, we can have two extremes, shining so hot, you see mirages everywhere to raining like the sky gods are angry at human-folk for something. But the thing I am most proud about being Ugandan, is the food.
Social media
Twitter: @Mablees
Facebook: Mable Barbara Amuron
I love and admire you Mabel. You are beautiful intelligent and such a good writer.
God will take you to greater heights for His Kingdom!!
Best wishes!!
Mable you are so articulate.I loved reading this.Shine on
musawo back at it again!
Mable I love the way you handled the interviews… It was hard for the interviewer to create more questions from your statement ….spectacular I would say…
Keep writing girl
Niiiice. That part of being recognized for your creativity really got me.
It’s an interesting interview.👏👏
Thank you Mable.
I now know more about your passions.
Amazing reflections too.
True Benjamin, she has described our weather extremes well.
I miss our weather, its the the best except for extremes.
Someone has noticed the special weather we have down here.