Maria Tayo is the founder of Do Better Everyday, which is also known as DBE. She is a female entrepreneur in her 20’s who also works in the legal industry and is passionate about encouraging others.
How did Do Better Everyday come to be?
It all started in 2017 through a blog I created, it was called ‘Do Better Everyday’ and still exists today. In 2018 I extended this to a clothing line and it was at this point that Do Better Everyday was transformed from a blog into a business.
What has been the driving force behind your brand?
The driving force has definitely been purpose. There have been many times when I have wanted to give up, but purpose has kept me going. The whole purpose behind the brand is encouragement, so not only is it the driving force but it is one of the key components which makes up the brand.
What would you say makes DBE unique?
I would say it is the core values of the business that make it unique. These are what we call the 3 E’s (Encouragement, Education and Empowerment). Very often we see many brands which educate but fail to empower. DBE seeks to provide people with the essential tools to do better in their daily lives and not just provide the information alone. DBE is not only a clothing line or a blog, but there is so much more to DBE which will be revealed at our launch event this summer.
How did you get into blogging and what do you hope people will get from reading your blog?
Writing down my thoughts is something that I have always done from young. As I grew older it became a way that I used to encourage myself. It was in 2017 that I decided to use this gift to encourage others, and that is when I started my blog. I decided to take a bold step and the responses I received thereafter were very positive. The core of the blog is the same as the business, for people to be encouraged. That is exactly what I want people to feel when they read my blogs, encouraged. I want it to bring positive change into their lives as I share through my experiences and the experiences of those around me, ways that we can all do better. I want to encourage people to strive each day to become the best versions of themselves.
Who are your rocks in life?
This will sound cliché, but Jesus is my rock. If it wasn’t for my relationship with Him, I don’t know where I would be today. I would have probably given up for sure. After God, then it would be my family.
What is the best advice that you have ever been given?
Be confident in who you are and know your worth!
Describe a typical day in your life
I won’t necessarily say that there is a typical day for me as each day could vary depending on the season or how busy I am. Generally, Monday to Friday I will go to my day time job (my 9-5 as they usually call it). After work, I then start work on Business (my 6-9 if you want to call it that). This could vary from blogging to receiving orders of my clothing, to sending/delivering orders or making plans for the future of the business. Currently a lot of this time is going towards organising the official launch of the business. Some evenings I will also attend church for mid-week services or to attend to other duties.

What opportunities have come your way through your brand?
I have had opportunities to blog and contribute to platforms such as The Move Hub, Her Sacred Story, Christian Hub and Celestial Weekly. I have also had the opportunity to sponsor my products towards a ladies retreat hosted by Harp of Christ and to also be a sponsor for my friend’s game night. I also have a few collaborations/partnerships lined up which will be announced in due course.
What is the future vision for DBE?
The future vision of DBE is to be able to link people with the necessary tools/platforms to assist them with doing better financially, physically, mentally, spiritually and in their relationships. Very often we are told to do better but we don’t actually know how to. DBE aims to build a community of people helping each other on this journey of doing better and to also have a platform to assist in doing this. The future vision is inscribed in our core values (to encourage, educate and empower). This will be done through different means such as events, workshops, the blog and the clothing line. There are a few other things which will be revealed at the launch event in the summer!
What has been your proudest achievement in life so far?
I have a lot of achievements that I am proud of, so I am finding it hard to choose one. A recent one would probably be stepping out of my comfort zone and starting the business.
Who inspires you the most in life?
I don’t really have a specific person who inspires me. I have a few people who inspire me, some who I have met, some who I haven’t. An example would be Joyce Meyer.
What song is the soundtrack to your life?
This changes from season to season! My current soundtrack would probably be from one of my church sister’s recent album titled ‘Irin Ajo’ by Imole Ayo which in English means my journey. This album speaks to me about my journey in life.
What are you most proud of about being Nigerian?
I looveee being Nigerian. The culture, the music, the food, the language (yoruba specifically) are just a few things that makes me proud of being Nigerian.
How would you like to be remembered?
Impact and legacy are both very important to me. Not only do I want to be remembered for my brand, but I want to leave a positive impact in the lives of people that I come across. I want each person I have come in contact with to remember me for encouraging them in one way or another, whether directly or indirectly. I want people to remember me as someone who has represented Christ well and left a positive imprint on the earth, in this generation and generations to come.
Social media
You can connect with me on:
Instagram @riah_x
Twitter @riah_x
Business page @dbe__uk
Keep an eye out on my business page for details of our Official business launch.