In Conversation with: Tino Nyandoro

Who is Tino Nyandoro?

I’m a 26-year-old self-taught photographer who landed in this field of work through luck, maybe chance, maybe fate. Who knows? I’m all about having fun. Pushing myself past mental boundaries. Being my own boss and not being afraid to make mistakes along the way.

When did your journey as a photographer start?

My first job out of university, back in 2014. I worked for a marketing agency and I was exposed to some extremely talented Zimbabwean photographers. Once in a while, they’d let me play around with their cameras and I guess as time went on, I got more and more interested, until it got to a point that I decided to quit my job and focus on teaching myself the tools of the trade and hopefully making a living from it.

Where in the world would you say is your photography heaven?

It would definitely have to be a Metropolis, so probably New York. I haven’t been, but I can imagine the variety of amazing shots you could get there of people, architecture, nature and everything in between.

What inspires your photography?

Story telling. The idea of someone looking at a photograph and them then fleshing it out with a story, real or fake, inspires me. One photograph could have different meanings to different people.

Of all the photographs you have taken, which one is your favourite?

Of two kids just having a good time in front of the camera.

If you weren’t a photographer, what would you be doing?

Complaining about not enjoying whatever else it is I’d be doing. To be very honest, now that I’ve been sucked into this world, I struggle to think of anything else I could have/be doing. I would have said working in marketing/advertising if you’d asked me this 2 years ago, but certain experiences I had since then working in those fields have made me reconsider.

What is the biggest lesson you have learnt from your career so far?

Never compromise! On your time, your craft, the quality of work you put out. In the beginning I was really concerned about making the next dollar so I would bend to client’s needs and sometimes rush to get work to them. As I have gone on, I’ve learnt to be clear and firm about how my processes work, ultimately helping me work how i want to, to produce work I can proudly put out.

Who are the rocks in your life?

Definitely my family. They’ve been nothing but supportive of my dreams and haven’t been afraid to correct me where they see me going wrong or encourage me when I’ve lost hope.

Is there anything you can’t live without?

My phone. I know it’s sad to say, but a lot of my life revolves around it. My work, my music, my contacts, my conversations. Also, my girlfriend. Besides that, laughter.  I enjoy enjoying life and can’t imagine a world without joy and laughter.

What has been the proudest achievement of your life so far?

Doing what I’m doing now. Taking the brave step of leaving the corporate environment to chase this dollar and dream of mine.

Who is the one person you would want to photograph and why?

Desmond Tutu. He just looks like such a character 😂

How do you cope when things aren’t going so well?

I leave the work for a day and just relax. I have a drink or two, find a new series to watch and just try to forget I actually have a job to do. I regather my thoughts and start afresh the following day. It’s worked well so far.

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years, career wise?

I hope to have gathered up enough money and equipment set up a small photography company by then here in Zimbabwe. I’d also like to have a book published by then of all my travel in that period.

What highs and lows you have experienced in your career so far?

The highs have definitely been being recognized on the streets as Tino Nyandoro the photographer and then being complimented on my work by people I don’t know. The low that sticks out the most was the initial period I decided to go into photography and I didn’t get any bookings for a few months. It made me doubt myself and my decision to pursue it a lot.

Given what you have experienced, what advice can you give to young entrepreneurs who are starting out?

Discipline is everything. I’m mainly talking about financially. A big mistake we make is pocketing every cent we make from business and putting little to nothing back into growing it. Give yourself a set salary and stick to it (especially when you make more money than expected).

How can people get in touch with you or access your work?

Instagram: @tinonyandoro

Facebook: TinoNyandoro Photography

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