In Conversation with: Tatenda Sasa

Meet talented Zimbabwean photographer, Tatenda Sasa aka Tate Megapix

Where did your passion for photography come from?

I left my parents’ home when I was 21 years old to look for greener pastures as they say in Zambia. Being away from home for the first time in my life I got so home sick at times and the few photos I had with me used to cheer me up. As time when on and I got a job that involved a lot of traveling I started to take pictures mostly from my phone or a simple camera to show my family back at home all the cool places I was going to and seeing. It wasn’t until my birthday three years ago that my wife bought me my first DSLR camera that I realized I love photography.

What would you say sets you apart from other photographers out there?

That’s a tough question!! At this point I’m still trying to find who I am as a photographer, I’m still going through a learning a discovery phase.

Who inspires your work?

I follow a lot of photographers for inspiration. I admire photographers who are willing to reach out to amateurs like myself and share some of their experiences and expertise. Locally in Zambia and Zimbabwe we have a whole host of amazing photographers who continue to inspire me daily in different fields of photography be is Nature, fashion, portraiture and much more.

Where is your favourite place to take photos from?

Anywhere where there is a sun rising or setting over the mountains or the water.

What is the most important thing you consider when taking a photograph?

What do I want to achieve in the end, I always ask myself what is the end result and from there I will calculate what it will take then to get the image I want, what settings do I need, how should I frame the shot, what angle will work best, what light is available, do I need extra light and a few other questions I ask myself before I hit the shutter.

Who are your favourite photographers and why them?

As I mentioned earlier any photographer that shares or is willing to nurture upcoming photographers I love. The list is endless, of photographers in the US in UK, in France, Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa, Tanzania, Zimbabwe and Zambia.

What is the one thing you can’t live without?

I have more than one thing I can’t live without. In order of priority:

  • 1 My Wife
  • 1a Daniel Tatenda our beautiful baby boy
  • 1b WiFi
  • 1c My Camera with a wide-angle lens

Of all the photographs, you have ever taken which one is your favourite?

My current favourite and my desktop wallpaper this panoramic view of the Eastern Highlands taken in Bvumba at sunrise.

Where in the world would be your dream place to go, and take photos?

Iceland – the landscape photographers dream (in my view or in my dreams).

What are you most fond of about being Zimbabwean?

Zimbos are diehards we have gone through more than a decade of tough times that have forced a lot of us to leave our homes and come out here where we have discovered a side of ourselves we may never have known. I love the peaceful fighting spirit of a Zimbabwean.

How can people get in touch with you or access your work?

You can email me – (i only check my mail 27 times a day)

My most comprehensive collection of my work is on Instagram follow me @tate_megapix. I have a currently inactive blog, but I will be working on that soon. You will find it at

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