In Conversation with: Raymond Motsi

My name is Raymond Motsi, 19 years old, I just recently finished high school at Churchill Boys High. I am what you call a commercial print model…

What made me want to get involved with this?

It’s just something I found very fascinating, I have always had a knack for photography, but with me being the subject, so it landed me here. Hope it doesn’t come off as extreme vanity, Lol

Where is your favourite place to relax?

It has to be home, sounds very obvious I know, but I’m not much of an outdoors person. my bed, my laptop and Wi-Fi and I’m set.

How did I get into modelling?

Well I approached a couple agencies making inquiries, then a friend recommended, Iconic Model Management. I started with them till I decided to freelance early this year.

 The 3 words your friends would use to describe you

Lol, my friends are pretty insane, I would say fixated, insane and cool.

The weirdest thing about you

This is literally exposing myself lol, but I would say, I find humour in very odd stuff.

Who do you treasure most in life?

The one person I treasure the most in my life in my mother, raised by a single mother, she’s the very reason I’m the person I am. I have a prayer I wrote for her tattooed on my chest.

How would you describe your style?

If I were to describe my style, I would say Effortless, Unique, they are the quintessential representation of my personality.

 When am are you happiest?

I’m the happiest when I’m with my crew, in the gym or just straight up chilling reminding each other how our personalities border on the line of insanity lol.

If you were to give something up for a year what would it be and why?

I barely do much, but if I could give up something for a year it would be, school, it’s just so fatiguing and it’s the very reason I opted for a gap year after high school.

What are you most afraid of losing?

I’m definitely afraid of losing the ones I love, my family, my mom, my brother and my father.

If you could change anything about yourself what would it be and why?

Talk about insecurities lol, I would change the way I fail to be brutally honest, I feel it’s my biggest weakness and I end up having to cope with stuff I don’t necessarily find comfortable.

What is the most important lesson that life has taught you?

I honestly learnt that success comes at a cost, you lose people, friends along the way, people change up on you and you change up on people. The important thing is to stay true yourself and those around you the minute the round of applause sets off.

Favourite songs right now.

These are my favourite songs, they relate to my life and personality:

Trey Songz – Change your Mind

Trey Songz – Nobody else but you

Trey Songz – Dive

How would I like to be remembered?

I just want to be that name synonymous with modelling, to redefine the industry, to be that guy who showed rules don’t apply as long as you get the desired result, the essence of creativity.

Social Media

Instagram: @sir_raymond_jr

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