In Conversation with: Donald Marindire

Donald Marindire is a 27-year-old who loves music and words in equal measure. I was born Donald Marindire though I later adopted the moniker Dodger Zw in honour of my favourite Charles Dickens character. I blog about Zim Hip-hop and Zim popular culture and I have 2 award nominations from the Zim Hip-hop Awards and the ZimBlog awards to show for it.

Where did your passion for writing come from?

Growing up the library was my favourite chillspot and that translated to me trying to pen my own epistyles in the mould of authors I stanned.

When did you decide to start blogging and How did Shonaboyco come to be?

Around 2014 I was an avid follower of the Zim Hip-hop culture, but I noticed a lack and bias in credible information dissemination around the culture. I started writing mini reviews on Facebook before officially starting a blog in 2015. My subject matter was Zimbabwean hip-hop, so I picked a traditional name that resonated with my heritage.

Why did you choose to blog about Zim hip hop?

I chose local hip-hop because for as long as I can remember I’ve been knee deep in the culture plus its always irked me how the country is unappreciative and deliberately blind to the talent the genre has.

What can’t you live without?

I can’t live without music, the internet, literature and knowledge in any form. That quartet literally keeps me sane.

Who inspires you the most in life?

God ultimately because he is the poster child of unmatched creativity, love and compassion. Scoop Makhatini, Homer and Dambudzo Marechera are my other inspirations.

What does blogging mean to you?

It means shining a light on undiscovered talent, pointing people towards dope ish they might have missed.

What do you hope people will take away from reading your blog?

I just hope people leave the blogging with renewed mindsets as far as local hip-hop is concerned. The consensus is Zim hip-hop is all about bling and celebrating American culture so by showcasing the variety within the genre I hope to change that perception. Also, to show the world that we too have conscious rappers, social commentators, lovers and kids on their jiggy boy gwaans.

Describe your daily routine.

I usually check my email, app, the general web for potential heat and get to work.

What would you say to someone new to blogging or considering blogging?

Blog about something you are passionate about and never be afraid to stand for what you believe in.Issa lot of trash homeys who will try to emotionaĺy blackmail you into putting your reputation on the line but in the words of the great Philosopher Nasty C “Dont do it”

What bloggers do you follow and why?

Locally its Spekktrumn, Taku Zee, The Zimtainment; Fokus, The Zimsphere because I trust their opinion. McPotar is one wise dude and Street Peeper is onto something. The Plug SA, Hype Magazine, Vice and Complex are actually goals.

Who are your favourite artists?

Any local rapper dropping dope stuff is a fave. Asaph, Takura, Sharky, Few Kings, Calvin, Meyniak, Mile, mUnetsi issa lot man. Riky Rick, M.I Abaga, The Lumineers, Tuku and Nasty C among others.

What opportunities have come your way because of your blogging?

Blogging has put me in spaces I never dreamed I could penetrate. I’ve also met a bunch of cool people and forged lifelong relationships.

What are your favourite songs?

Currently I’m bumping Takura – Top Top
Don Cavelle – Ndezvashe
R Peels – Zviri Eva Beautiful
Asaph – 25 album
Hillzy – Mbabvu Yangu

Social media

Twitter @Planet_Dodger
Instagram @DodgerAviboy
Facebook: Dodger Zw, Kòol Kidz Zw, ShonaboyConglomerate

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