In Conversation with: Edwig Munangati

Edwig Munangati is an outgoing girl with dreams of becoming a lawyer one day. I love to laugh and to make people laugh, I love fashion, anything to do with photography and being around people whose company I enjoy.

How would you describe your style?

I would say my style is experimental. I like what I like. Although of late, it has been leaning towards some sort of minimalism.

How did you get into blogging/vlogging?

My best friend Mwila came up with the idea to start our YouTube channel. We both like fashion, we both love to talk, and it seemed like something that we would get to enjoy together. We also just wanted to share our journey as we grow into the people we want to be.

Why did you choose to talk about lifestyle?

We chose to make our channel a lifestyle channel because that would allow us to explore all aspects of our lives and the things we enjoy. We didn’t want to limit ourselves to just makeup or just talking. We wanted a bit of everything.

What do you hope people will take away from watching your vlog?

To just be comfortable in who they are, and to be comfortable to express themselves. Not only vocally, but through fashion as well, and to understand that you do not need a lot in life to be happy. We do a lot of thrifting as well, so we hope that will also teach people that you do not need a lot of money to look and feel good. Ultimately, we just want to make people smile or laugh.

Apart from vlogging, what else do you do?

Apart from vlogging, I’m currently a Business Student in Canada, so I’m just focusing on trying to get my first degree.

What is the most important lesson that life has taught you so far?

That you can’t rush success. You have to be willing to put in the time and effort in order to get to where you want to be.

How would your family and friends describe you?

I can think of a lot of things they would say, but I guess since I always try to make people laugh, they would probably say funny and easy to make conversation with.

Describe a typical day in your life.

I wake up at around 8am for my 9:30am class. After that class I grab lunch before heading to work at 1:30pm until 6:30pm. I pass through the gym on my way home for about an hour, and I’m usually home at around 8pm. I edit some footage for a few hours then I’m on Netflix till the AM’s since I am free every other day.

What is the soundtrack to your life?

I love house music. So, I would have to say Better Days by Prince Kaybee.

What would you say to someone new to blogging or considering blogging?

I would say the important thing is to start. Don’t worry about how many people are going to watch/read or like what I have to say. Just do it. Life is too short.

What is your theme for 2018?

Theme for 2018 is Focus on Yourself. Reserve your energy for bettering yourself instead of trying to keep up with what everyone else is doing or has to say.

Where is your dream destination and why?

Dream destination is Thailand. It’s just a beautiful place with a rich culture and amazing people

What are you most fond of, about being Zimbabwean?

Our culture. For that reason, I want to raise my children in Zimbabwe. Zimbabweans are also generally very funny people, Zim Twitter will back me up on this one.

When are you happiest?

When I’m with my little sister.

If you could give up anything for a year what would it be and why?

I would give up some of my social medias – I waste too much time on my phone so it would be nice to see what I would be able to do with that time.

What is the best advice you have ever been given?

Comparing yourself to others breeds discontent. Everyone has a different journey, and you should respect the fact that some people will arrive to their destinations earlier than you, and that’s okay. Your day will come too.

How would you like to be remembered?

As someone who was always able to see the good in everything and inspire the same in others.

Social media

Twitter and IG – @_dwiggles_

YouTube – @57thAvenue

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