In Conversation with: Keziah Hadebe

Keziah Hadebe

Meet Multi-Talented Actress, Content Creator Keziah Hadebe

Keziah Sibong’le Hadebe is an ambitious, self-motivated, hardworking, multi-talented 30-year-old lady. A single mother of two adorable boys and is a diploma holder in Business Management. God and her two sons are the rocks in her life, Keziah’s favourite sports are wrestling, boxing and soccer.

Where did your passion for acting come from?

I started watching action movies while growing and since then I developed a passion for acting. I used to imagine myself acting and playing my favourite characters in my mind at a young age.

I have always been a fan of action and sci-fiction movies. My all-time favourite actors are Will smith, Dolph Lungren, Dwayne Johnson, Steven Segal, Vin Diesel, Djimon, Owas Ray Mwape and John Anthony Felix Cena. When it comes to actresses Angelina Jolie, Rita Dominic, cassia Kabwita, Oge Okoya, Pearl Thusi, Ximena Duque and Charlize Theron.

What prompted your return to the screen and when can people expect to see you on TV?

I have always wanted to act since I was a child and I feel from the time I featured in Tizibika a series which aired on Zambezi magic/onezed, I didn’t give it my all and there still a lot more that I can do in my acting career. I am still working on branding myself and working on my imagine but very soon I will get back onset.

What do you enjoy most about being a content creator and what do you enjoy the least?

I enjoy talking, so making YouTube videos, planning on how they should be made and the topics to do is what I enjoy most. Although, it takes a lot of time and editing on phone is not easy. Most of the content I do requires input from well-known people but some of them ignore and never respond to my messages, which makes it difficult to shoot celebrity profiles.

Who are some of your favourite content creators and why them?

I love the Beyerle bunch, Traveltainment, The khumba guy, Wode Maya, Dee Mwangi, It’s Chilekwa Fay and I enjoy watching makeup/natural hair vlogs as well as acting lessons on YouTube.

Youtuber Keziah Hadebe
Keziah Hadebe

What do you want people to get from watching your YouTube channel?

Enjoyment and entertainment, I want people to enjoy and laugh as they get entertained and informed on my YouTube channel. 

How have you developed as a content creator, from when you started?

I am still a work in progress, my channel is monetized but it’s hard to make money on YouTube because no Zambian can see adverts on my channel unless they use vpn. However, I am still developing and working towards growing my channel and create more content that people worldwide can enjoy and watch. 

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

In the next 5 years I want my business to be well established, and I hope to work on as many film projects as I can and grow my YouTube channel.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Stay focused, follow your dreams, and love yourself more.

What are the top 5 songs in your playlist right now?

I am currently enjoying:

Esther Chungu – Chikangabwe

SUNA Sinkala – Mulibakulu

Ty2- Nikukonde

Yo maps – Blessings follow me

5. Temwani – Adonai Muli Lesa Wamilalo

How can people get in touch with you?

They can find me on YouTube Keziahhadebe TV

Or on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok @keziahhadebe

How would you like to be remembered?

I would like to be remembered as someone who loved to work hard, was fun loving and a good mother.

Thank you for reading, be sure to browse through the blog and read more interviews.

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