In Conversation with: Kim Robinson

Hey Guys! I’m  Kim Robinson a full time model, Fashion Blogger & TV Presenter from Zimbabwe, living and LOVING life in SA 🙂

Where did your love for modelling and fashion come from?

My mum used to travel overseas a lot for work and she’d bring home issues of Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar. When she was done reading them she would let me have them. I was fascinated by the glamorous, beautiful women dripping in designer clothes!! I honestly never thought I’d be a model. I was really awkward looking in junior school, and was teased because I had awful teeth! But when the opportunity came many years later, I jumped at it and never looked back.

If you could pick one thing you would want to be for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Ultimately I’d love to be in TV and Entertainment. Even long after I can’t be in front of the camera I’d be interested in producing and discovering new talent. I got a taste of ‘producing’ earlier this year (for a TV show for Spice TV in Nigeria) and really enjoyed it.

What is your favourite memory of growing up in Zimbabwe?

I have three younger brothers, and in Bulawayo we used to ride our bicycles for hours all over town!! We’d go to Eskimo Hut and buy ice creams in the summer! It sounds simple, but I love that we grew up in a small town where we could safely ride our bikes and not fear anything- just be kids, curious, fun and a little wild.

Who are the rocks in your life?

My parents. They keep me grounded always.

What is your proudest achievement to date?

I recently booked the lead role in a worldwide TV commercial for Malibu Rum. Hundreds of stunning international models went for that casting and to be one of the models that booked it was pretty huge.

Where do you draw your inspiration from, for everything you do in life?

A lot of places to be honest. My religion and belief in God is my moral compass for my principles and behaviour in life. It’s also my source of strength when I go through really tough times in this job. My parents (mum, dad and my stepdad) are extremely hard working and support eight kids in total! So I think I get my drive, and ambition from them. My siblings inspire me to never give up, being the second born is a lot of pressure. I want to show them that you can dream as big as you want – and if you are willing to work hard you can get/ be anything you want!

What do you get up to when you are not modelling?

I’m super boring to be honest, I’m not big on the party/ club scene. I LOVE TO EAT, so if I’m not cooking I’m out eating with friends. Cape Town has the most beautiful beaches so I go there on my own, to distress and relax.

What have been the highs and lows of your career so far?

What people don’t really know is that the income in this job is very inconsistent. Some months you book tons of jobs, some months – absolutely nothing! That can be challenging- both financially and on your self-esteem. So that is a “low” many models experience.

Highs have definitely been sharing any jobs with my dad or mum. Especially my mum, she gets so so excited! She gives me great feedback and to share any achievement with your family and make them proud is the best feeling in the world!

Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?

I hope to be a well established and respected name and brand in the fashion and entertainment industry in SA. Dream Big always 🙂

What can we expect from you for the future?

I’m working with an Amazing PR team (Styling Concepts), they are helping me to connect with incredible brands! So expect my blog to get better and better!! I just found out that I booked a Presenting Job at the Africa Women Awards. Even better it will be in Harare, Zimbabwe in December, so look out for that!

What advice would you give to young girls looking to get into modelling?

I can’t stress the need to get an education or some kind of qualification behind your name while pursuing your dreams. Modelling can’t last forever! Find a legit agency that truly believes in you!

Social media

Instagram: @kimjayde

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