Kevin Wang’ombe aka “The Raww Filmmaker” is from Nairobi, Kenya. He is a child of the universe, a filmmaker, music lover and most importantly a lover of life.
How did you get into videography and why music in particular?
It’s very interesting because my first love for a long time had always been skateboarding. Skate videos are my biggest inspiration and from about 14 years old I already began skateboarding, recording my own videos and even editing them for the rest of the skateboarding community to see. So that’s where I think it really began. Over the years I began to experiment with music and the idea of making music, went ahead to form a group known as plan zee, this is where the music video thing began. We realised no one could really create the worlds that we wanted to see, so we decided to do it ourselves, communicating our vision through music video.
Where does the inspiration for your video concepts come from?
For me, it all depends with one, the artist and two, the vibe the song gives me. From there I draw inspiration from everywhere a lot of different art mediums, films, art pieces, sometimes even other great other music videos and of course our Magical city, Nairobi.
What is your vision for the next 5 years?
In the next 5 years, I would like for my production company “The Raww Films” to have its footprint well set in Kenya and the larger East Africa allowing filmmakers and artists to connect and collaborate making dope content for an ever-growing and woke audience.
What has been your favourite video that you have made so far?
That’s hard to say, I have a lot of favourites but if I was to choose one. I think it would be “To Her” a music video I did for a talented PRXNCE, a Nairobi based artist.
What have been the highs and lows of your career?
2018 for me was a year of many ups and downs, but mostly ups. The lowest point in my career would have to be when I had all my equipment robbed from me, which really set me back, but God works miracles and later on in the year I got the opportunity to edit an international feature film that will be showing in cinemas this year, which has to be the highest point in my career.

Which artists would you like to work with in the future?
Khaligraph Jones, Wiz Khalifa, Sho Madjozi, Blinky Bill, Karun Mungai.
What would you say makes your work unique?
In my line of work, you get to meet so many different artists and beautiful minds and for me that makes me extremely lucky and makes it very unique.
Who are your inspirations in life?
My mother.
What is the one thing that you can’t live without?
Eva (My Fiancee).
What is the soundtrack to your life?
Abusey Junction by Kokoroko.
Describe a typical day in your life.
Eat. Sleep. Edit.
What are you most proud of about being Kenyan?
Our resilience and innate ability to hustle.
How would you like to be remembered?
The Raww, like Midas who turns your video to gold.
What advice do you have for aspiring videographers/artists?
No matter what anyone says if this is what you love, do it and do it your own way.
Social media
IG : @therawwfilmmaker
FB : The Raww Films
YT : The Raww Films
Very well done kevin..
Proud of of you dude
Shoutout Raww films
Kev always kills it,. good work
Very proud of you Kev!! You demonstrate the power of dreaming and making dreams come true!