In Conversation with: Nelson T Gombakomba Jr

Nelson T Gombakomba Jr holding a mic

Nelson T Gombakomba Jr is a young Zimbabwean comedian who is based in the UK and also a Paralegal. His comedy is purely driven by the need to seek the truth, knowledge, and a little bit of justice in life.

How did you get into comedy?

 I started off by entering open mic competitions. I kept going because I kept winning.

Who are your comedy heroes and why them?

Here’s my top 3, Chris Rock, Richard Pryor and Dave Chappelle. They are all legends who took the artform to the next level. You have to stand out to be remembered and they definitely did that.

How would you describe your style of comedy?

It’s mostly observational. I talk about how I see the world and what I think is wrong with it.

Where do you get the inspiration for your content?

I get my inspiration from everyday life. My aim is to relate to as many people as possible, so I have to take in as much information as possible.

What has been the highlight of your journey so far?

Winning London’s most brutal open mic, King Gong at the Comedy Store back in 2015. That was a good night. I have had other performances in bigger venues to bigger crowds but that night in 2015 changed everything.

Nelson T Gombakomba Jr on stage holding a mic

When you aren’t working on comedy what else do you do?

I’ll probably be in the office working as a paralegal. The two jobs take up so much of my time.

What is the one thing you can’t live without?

Attention. Just as the flower needs water, an artist needs an audience.

What is the best advice you can give to emerging comedians?

Be yourself. Every journey is different and unique so don’t waste your time comparing yourself to others. Sit back and let it all work out.

How have you been keeping yourself entertained during the lockdown?

Netflix. I swear I’ve watched almost every series they have at this point.

What is the soundtrack to your life?

Mutserendende by Oliver Mtukudzi. There is a line that always stands out for me. It’s when he says, “usaore moyo kutatarika humira,” which translates to “never give up, the struggle is part of the journey.”

How would you like to be remembered?

I would like to be remembered as a man who never gave up on his dream. One day this will all make sense.

Social media

Instagram: Kingnellyii

Facebook:  Nelson T Gombakomba Jr

Twitter: kingnellyii

Youtube: Nelson Gombakomba

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