Sharon Manatsa is a 30-year-old UK based gospel artist and daughter in law to the legendary musician Zex Manatsa, married to Zex Jnr. Born in Harare grew up in Bulawayo, I migrated to the UK at the mere age of 9.
What inspired your music journey?
My family and friends, my life experiences particularly the birth of my son in 2017. He is my miracle baby called Levi, the previous year I experienced a stillbirth at 28 weeks gestation. I thought this is it, my life is shuttered but God showed right on time! To me it clearly indicated there is always a light at the end of a tunnel and that’s when I started singing. Recorded the first Friends in Christ Album while pregnant with Levi.
What do you hope people will get from listening to your music?
My aim is to Encourage every single person! For them to recognise that their suffering does not last forever. Every day on earth is a blessing to achieve our goals and to enjoy life. Yes, we face challenges, but they are only there to make us stronger and draw us closer to God himself. There is a time for everything, all we need is to endure the hardships and persevere. Ecclesiastes 3 verse 1-8, seasons come, and seasons go!
Who is responsible for nurturing your music career?
Wow well it all started at church; I go to Forward in Faith Ministries. I sang in our local assembly Praise and Worship team. Years went by and my church started a project called Free to Worship in 2011. They asked me to be part of it and this is where I also met my husband who is also a musician. His father is a renowned Musician in Zimbabwe and he is named after him. My husband was raised in this musical family and they grew up doing music professionally. I have always written songs, but my husband kindled the fire in me to do more. Together him and my family encouraged me to pursue this further and it was only last year that I independently did my project as a solo artist. I was used to being in the background observing others or rather encouraging others to do more.
What have been the highs and lows of your career so far?
Sometimes fear can cripple you to the point of holding you back. I did not have the confidence; the fear and self-doubt were the biggest. Secondly the financial investment, I’m an independent artist not signed to any record label so you are self-funding all your project which can deflate you or stop you from pursuing that what you want to achieve. Money is a big contributing factor, but despite the hardships we are moving stronger.
How was it working on your first solo album, Inyasha?
This was the most amazing experience working with talented musicians here in the UK as well as Zimbabwe!
Of all the songs you have made so far which one would you say is your favourite and why?
Tinofamba Munyasha is my favourite. It has inspired all the other projects. It is my every testimony!
Who have been your favourite artists to work with and who else would you like to work with?
I have worked with amazing people in studio, My father in Law Zex Manatsa , Pastor Gee, Rudo Gombah. The list is endless of the people I would like to work with. I enjoyed working with Janet Manyowa on the Women in Gospel Concert last October.
What has been your proudest achievement in life?

Being a mum, wife and a Gospel artist is my biggest achievement. This year we won the Zim Brits awards- Gospel artist of the year!!
How are you keeping yourself busy during the lockdown?
Me and my husband we continue to write songs. Constant planning too! Creating Vision boards etc. Plus, all my other responsibilities.
What is the soundtrack to your life?
Not sure how to answer this… Possibly Inyasha from the Inyasha Album.
How would you like to be remembered?
For the music I am putting out there, that it is life changing to someone!! Winning souls!
Social media
Instagram: Sharon_Manatsa
Twitter: Manatsa_Sharon
Facebook: SharonManatsaOfficial
Bookings: +44 7855340649
Email: sharonmanatsa2@gmail.com
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